Initiative zur Förderung der Naturellwissenschaft e.V.

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  Psychography Type Test by Werner Winkler 1/6
Very typical characteristics
tick if appropriate

0 = disagree
up to 5 = fully agree
1. Creative by nature, always has inspiring new ideas; often little endurance to develop and focus on these ideas over a longer period of time
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Theoretical or mental skills are stronger than practical skills (possibly thinks in a practical way i. e. how achieve best results with reduced effort)
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3. Practical mind; prefers all practical issues, work and activities of all types; is very good at doing predefined things
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4. Shows feelings clearly with a broad mimic; the mood changes quickly from "over the moon" to "deep sorrow", if others react or do not react as expected / hoped for
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5. Knows exactly what he / she does not want, however only states what else they wish upon insistent questioning
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6. Rather superficial and loose approach on new topics; however quick at getting the big picture of a situation and observing a topic or network of relations
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7. High and outstanding knowledge in his / her special subject; can hold a lecture on that topic for hours; is always interested in learning more
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8. Avoids to clearly say "no" or to bring long-lasting things to an end, such as quitting a job, breaking up a relationship, finishing a phone conversation etc.
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9. Communicates with words and gestures very clearly; aims for direct confrontation on unpleasant issues; prefers an offensive approach, also as a preventive measure
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10. Criticism, disrespect or ignorance from others or towards the own person or personal work is highly distressing; however if criticism is requested and passed on objectively, then it is okay
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11. Leisure activities, hobbies or dealing with plants and animals leads to relaxation and is often preferred to socializing with other people (especially at a young age); the hobby pursuit can turn into an obsession and put pressure on relationships
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12. Variety of interests, which are obvious in the biography and regularly lead to "new beginnings"; at the same time strong desire for a normal, stable state and order
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13. General tendency to flee e.g. when he / she feels unloved and helpless
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14. Takes / needs more time than the others; has the habit of seeking peace, breaks and passivity
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15. Accustomed to being successful due to a high commitment of strength and energy; absence of success leads to even stronger efforts, which eventually produce a "burn out"; the motto "more is better" is applied regularly
0 1 2 3 4 5

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